About us

We care about efficiency

Isn't software all about improving our working methods, reducing useless time and finding ways to do more, better with less effort ?  That's the core philosophy behind the apps we build.  We only build apps that we need ourselves.   

And even though AI seems to be the buzzword for everything today, building the right apps around AI can deliver amazing results.

We build apps that reduce 

your overhead cost.

That's it.

Giorgio Spinoni, Founder & Development

Giorgio is an experienced R&D developer, devoting his time on business applications and cloud web-apps. 

In a second life, he loves to dabble in video-making .
He has a passion for intuitive interfaces for each development and loves the visual part of every project.

Seppe De Roeck, Founder & Business Development

Seppe is a passionate business developer with extensive experience in consumer products and software.  He built various companies and brands in the consumer goods business, always with a focus on efficiency and automation.  After work ?  It's all about sports and adventure.